Thursday, August 25, 2005

Monday, August 08, 2005

First Week in HK

For those who are interested and those who don't really care, here are some photos of HK as it appears to two rather bemused but happy new arrivals. No time for much tourist wonderings yet as we've been flat hunting in 98% humidity - however, in between showers and airconditioned malls, we have been shopping, eating, drinking and generally having fun exploring a new city and a new life.

Two too many Posted by Picasa

One too many Posted by Picasa

Our new local Posted by Picasa

Our new manor Posted by Picasa

Jungle Fever Posted by Picasa

Colonial building and Bank of China Tower Posted by Picasa

Dudette Posted by Picasa

Dude Posted by Picasa

British Council - Kath's new school Posted by Picasa

Kath's New School Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Leaving party pics

For all our lovely gorgeous friends, here are some pics from the leaving do. We wanted to say thanks so much to everyone for coming- it was the best send off we could've hoped for. Also thank you for all the beautiful cards and gifts- they all came to Hong Kong with us so we can remind ourselves of what fabulous people we have back in England.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

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